Spiritual Direction
There are many kinds of spiritual friendship. Spiritual friendship can be experienced in a group or one-on-one. Spiritual friendship can be mutual or one person can guide others. We are blessed when we have a variety of spiritual friendships in our lives.
One-on-one spiritual direction is a particular kind of spiritual companionship where one person comes alongside another person to help them pay attention to their life with God in the here and now through the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit.
What is the goal of spiritual direction?
The goal of spiritual direction is an ever-deepening life with God. We learn to listen to God better, to increase our awareness of Him in the midst of life situations, to surrender to His transformative work, and to align ourselves with His will – His absolute good. Spiritual direction can explore such questions as:
How can I grow in my relationship with God?
Where is God in the situation I’m facing right now?
How can I discern God’s will?
What disciplines do I need to grow in for the purpose of creating more space for God to speak and act in my life?
Spiritual direction is not:
Discipleship: There is no set program or curriculum. The content of the conversation is typically set by what the directee brings to the session that day and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Pastoral Care or Counseling: The focus is not on solving problems, though personal problems may arise in the conversation. The focus is on how the directee is experiencing God in the midst of all aspects of life – challenging, joyful and all in between.
Who should seek spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is a practice that can be open to anyone who desires to deepen their relationship with God. It is perhaps more beneficial for those who have been on the journey for a while rather than for those who are newcomers to the faith. Spiritual leaders can be especially susceptible to the dangers of loneliness that leadership often brings. Spiritual direction allows them the possibility of a safe place to be vulnerable, reflective and accountable, giving them the opportunity to lead from a healthy soul.
Why is spiritual direction important?
The Christian journey is meant to be shared. Yet many Christians believe it is a private matter and have no experience in sharing with another what is actually going on in their life with God on any kind of intentional and regular basis. Such an encounter can be a very meaningful catalyst for transformation and thriving in the spiritual life.
How does the process usually work?
Spiritual direction usually takes place for about an hour on at least a monthly basis. Depending on particular circumstances, these time frames can vary. It’s optimal to be able to meet in person in a private place, but it can also be effective through a virtual platform like Zoom or Skype. Most directors have an office. Some directors charge a fee, and some do not. It’s completely fine to ask about this up front.
How do I find and choose a spiritual director?
There are several directories that list certified spiritual directors. I would recommend Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association.
there to listen and to ask questions, not to tell you what to do. Meet for an exploratory session or two and then do some discernment together as to whether both of you feel you should continue. Directors will not expect you to continue for a long period of time just because you made one appointment with them. You will not offend them if you decide you’d like to continue to try other options.
Do not feel that you have to know exactly what to do in a spiritual direction session. Your director will be glad to answer your questions, so don’t be shy about asking them. Each relationship is somewhat unique though the general goals may be the same. The two of you will find your way together.
If you would like to explore the option of spiritual direction with me or you just have questions about it, please email me at dlanoue@transformedliving.com. I will be glad to chat via email or we can set up an appointment to visit via telephone, Zoom or in person as circumstances permit.
These directors are primarily within the Protestant evangelical tradition. There are directories for other Christian traditions as well.
Take time to find a director that is a good fit. What I mean by “good fit” is hard to explain. But it would be someone that you pretty quickly feel safe and comfortable with. It is someone who has the balance you feel you need between listening and guiding. Keep in mind, that directors are primarily
“God is using Deirdre to help me go deeper than I ever imagined in my spiritual journey. As a follower of Christ and as a leader in missions, the experience is giving me a clearer understanding of who God is and how to live in the reality of His love, wisdom and power. I thank God for His faithfulness in bringing Deirdre into my life as a sister in Christ and as my spiritual mentor."
Claudia Adame
e3 Partners EVP - Mission Support