Retreats & Seminars
One of my greatest joys is teaching! When people gather together who want to learn to know God better and grow in their relationship with Him, I am especially excited. Here is a small sampling of the topics that I enjoy teaching:
Principles of Spiritual Growth:
How do we become more like Jesus?
Sometimes it is good to take a journey through Scripture to understand how we were created, how we are spiritually formed, and what to do when transformation (change) is needed in order to be the person God intends for us to be. We will answer such questions as: What is my part? What is God’s part? What are spiritual disciplines or habits? Is it really possible to become more like Jesus?
Hearing God
By far, the questions I receive the most revolve around our ability to hear God well. Does God speak personally to us? What does Scripture say about it? How do I know it’s God’s voice instead of my own? What kind of life most naturally hears God? What prevents me from hearing Him well?
Listening Prayer
Have you ever been on the receiving end of a one-sided conversation? If we are experienced in prayer at all, we soon begin to realize the challenge of talking less and listening more to the One who loves and knows us best. This study takes us through Scripture and into our own habits to discover how we can shift the conversation a bit so that we are giving God opportunity to speak into our lives.
Engaging Scripture for Transformation
Too often we treat the Bible like anything else we read. We read it superficially or quickly. We read it to get information. We seek to master it instead of letting it master us. There are many people who know what the Bible says, but they have not allowed it to be the catalyst for change in our thinking and doing. What is the key to allowing the Word of God to be living and active in our lives?
The Cutting Edge of Spiritual Change:
Examen & Confession
It’s difficult to cooperate in the transforming work of God in our lives when we do not have enough self-knowledge to know what needs to change. Asking God to search our hearts and show us anything offensive (Psalm 139:23-24) opens the door to meaningful and healing confession. Only then can God do a transforming work in our lives. This study explores the simple habits that can help us notice the presence and love of God as well as find a safe place to confess our sin and experience his love-drenched power to live as our truest selves.
Hiding God’s Word in Our Hearts:
The Values and Practice of Scripture Memory
One of the most transforming spiritual habits I have is scripture memory. It literally “renews our minds.” (Romans 12:2) Scripture memory is a form of meditation, and yet sometimes we lose the value or purpose for this habit amidst our drive to be perfect. In this study we explore what Scripture has to say about meditation on God’s Word and we dive into a few practical tips for making it a truly life-giving habit instead of a frustrating, short-lived effort.
As I said, these are just a sampling of the many possible topics concerning the spiritual life. If you are seeking someone to lead a seminar or retreat, please contact me and we can explore whether I am a good fit for your needs. I do not have any set fees. We can work together on what will work best for your event’s budget. Please use the Contact tab in the menu to get in touch.