Transformed Living is a ministry dedicated to helping people experience a transformative life with God – ever being transformed into the persons God created them to be – living the kind of life Jesus spoke of in John 10:10: “I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it to the full.”
Many Christians, however, struggle to understand and live into the life that Jesus describes: Is it possible to actually know God, to have a personal and meaningful relationship with Him? Can I really experience transformation? Why do I find myself struggling with the same sins again and again? Can love, joy and peace be consistent, authentic realities in my life?
Other Christians are experiencing a rich relationship with God, but they desire to go “further up and deeper in,” as C.S. Lewis would say. They are already well on the path of spiritual transformation, but they hunger for more. They long to plumb the depths of what it means to “keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)
And this is not just an individual’s journey. There are some faith communities who have come to the disturbing conclusion that their programs are not nurturing an ever-deepening life with God. They long to practice a life together that is transformational, not only for themselves and their church, but for the communities they are called to love in Jesus’ name.
Dr. Deirdre LaNoue is passionate about helping people experience a life with God that bears the fruit of love, joy and peace. From the insight of Scripture, her own journey and the wisdom of other saints, she desires to help you or your faith community dive deep into the realities of the Kingdom of God – by HIS grace and for HIS glory.

"Deirdre’s shepherding of our small non-profit team has helped us realize our need for soul care. When your focus is outward, it's easy to let your own spiritual life become neglected. With Deirdre’s help, our walks with Jesus have deepened, and we have been reinvigorated to do the work to which we’ve been called. Through her wisdom and discernment, the Spirit’s transforming work is taking place in us individually and as a team."

Ms. Denny Slaton
Stewardship Advisor, Seed Effect

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